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How To Add Freecell to Your Daily Routine

Freecell is an excellent game to play when you need a little time to yourself - when you need some relaxation (and if we’re honest, we all need some time to ourselves and some relaxation, ideally every day). But the issue is that finding the time to play it when you’re busy - which is part of the reason for needing to relax in the first place - is tough.

We all know that taking breaks during the day and de-stressing leads to better productivity, more positive overall wellbeing, and general happiness, and yet we keep pushing on, going further and further and longer and longer before we finally stop. By then, we’re exhausted, and it’s too late to really relax and find that all-important peace before it all starts again the next day.

That’s why adding Freecell to your daily routine can be a fantastic way to solve your lack of relaxation problem - you just need to work out how to fit the game in to make the most of it. It’s not as hard as it might seem; we’ve got some excellent ideas that are sure to help you. So, with that in mind, keep reading to find out how to add Freecell to your daily routine to make the most of its biggest benefit - its relaxing properties.

Make A Schedule

If you want to make sure you can fit some Freecell gaming into your free time (or any time you might have, come to that), you’ll need to take a look at your daily routine and work out when and where those little pockets of time might come from - making a schedule can be just the right thing to do.

Think about everything you need to do during the day and write it down, from the biggest and most important deadlines to the smallest of tasks. Firstly, once you’ve got it all noted, you’re unlikely to forget to do something crucial, so it’s good for that reason, to do it anyway, but on top of that, you’ll be able to spot any moments when you can play your favorite game. Or what about looking for ways to free up time once you know what tasks have to get done (you might be able to combine things to save a few minutes - or hours - here and there, and that could be enough to unwind playing Freecell.

Add Freecell To Your To-Do List

So you’ve got a schedule, and you’re sure it’s got everything you need to do included in it. That’s great, but now what? Now you need to add Freecell to that to-do list because otherwise you might find you run out of time to play. It’s great to play spontaneously, and you should whenever you can (especially if you’re feeling stressed and you find that Freecell can help you unwind, which is how a lot of people feel about it), but when that time to play is literally on your list of the things you have to do each day, you’re much more likely to actually make the time to do it and not let other things get in your way.

Make Your Routine Balanced

Something else that can help you fit more Freecell (or any Freecell) into your daily routine is to make that routine more balanced. When you really think about how and when Freecell can be played, and you find good places to include it during your day-to-day life, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits so much more - it’s an ideal strategy. So rather than viewing relaxation as something that can be seen as an indulgence, think of it more as an essential part of your overall wellbeing, and a well-designed routine with a good structure to it, including designated ‘Freecell breaks’, does more for you than not taking any breaks at all and just plowing ahead could ever do.

In other words, you need to know how crucial it is to take breaks, relax, and do things you enjoy as well as how important it is to do your work. Having a balanced routine that includes both ends of the spectrum and allows you to make the most of all the time, you have will be hugely helpful and give you plenty of time to play Freecell as an added bonus!

Use Your Lunch Break

Making a schedule won’t be something that works for everyone, either because your day just can’t be scheduled in advance or because it’s just not something you particularly enjoy doing, so what then? Well, then you can think about your lunch break and use that as wisely as you can to give yourself the opportunity to add Freecell to your daily routine.

If you want to tell us you don’t have a lunch break, go ahead, but just because you don’t have one doesn’t mean you don’t need one - taking a break in the middle of the day to enjoy some food, get hydrated, and chill out before delving back into the world of work or any other tasks and chores you might be doing can do you the world of good, ensuring you’re more productive and energized, even if it seems as though taking a break would do the opposite and just put you further behind. So it’s a great idea to make time for a lunch break no matter what else you might be doing.

When you have that lunch break, you can help yourself unwind and feel better by playing Freecell! Turning your lunch break into something with purpose - turning it into a great time to relax and ensuring you go back to work feeling ready for more. All you need to do is step away from your desk, choose a quiet spot (it could be a nearby park, a cozy corner of the office, your bedroom, or anywhere else that works well for you and makes you feel relaxed), and make sure you have something to eat - this is your lunch break, after all! The last thing you want to do is get so engrossed in your game that you don’t eat anything; you certainly won’t feel energized or productive if that happens!

If you’re always around your colleagues and they like to chat during lunch, you can even use that to your advantage and get some more Freecell time in. Instead of chatting to your friends about work or your home lives, why not ask them to join you in a few rounds of Freecell? If you’ve all got it installed on a mobile device or you can all access it on a computer, you can easily start a friendly competition and add a social element to the whole thing.

Get Up Earlier

Get up earlier just to play Freecell? When there could be more sleeping happening? Is that really what we’re suggesting? The answer is sort of. Hear us out on this one, as it might sound strange, but once you understand what we mean and how it can help you, you might just want to make waking up and getting out of bed earlier a priority.

Remember that what you do first thing in the morning sets the tone for the whole day, so if you wake up and start as you mean to go on by feeling good, getting relaxed, and getting your brain in gear, everything that comes along afterwards should feel (and be) just as good. You’ll have a positive day. Not sure that’s how it works? Well, think of the last bad day you had - it’s highly likely it started off on the wrong foot because of something that didn’t go according to plan first thing. So, the opposite is sure to be true - make the first part of the day go precisely how you want it to, and life will be more positive overall.

The great thing is that you only need to get up ten minutes earlier than usual, which really isn’t going to affect you all that much when it comes to your sleeping pattern, but could affect you hugely (in a positive way) when it comes to starting your day right. Set your alarm for ten minutes before you usually wake up and spend that extra time playing Freecell - as you can see, it’s easy to include it in your day when you make just a few small adjustments (especially if those adjustments are actually positive ones anyway).

Early mornings are often the most peaceful part of the day, and you’ll be completely free from all the other distractions you’re going to be faced with as the day goes on. By ensuring you make time for Freecell when you get up, you know you’re not going to run out of time, and you can be focused on what you’re doing, which means you’re likely to enjoy the game even more than you would if you had other things going on around you.

Use The Evenings

What do you do when you get home from work, when you’ve put the kids to bed, when you’ve eaten your dinner? Do you watch TV? Don’t worry - there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, and it can be a fantastic way to relax and unwind after a stressful day. But what if you switched your TV-watching time for something else? Something like Freecell, for example?

You don’t have to give up TV altogether - no one would ask you to do that! - but how about switching the set on ten minutes later than usual and using those extra ten minutes to enjoy a few games of Freecell? You’ll be able to get yourself in a great relaxed state, play a fun game, and watch a little less TV, but still settle down for your favorite show when you want to - it’s the best of all worlds, and when you think about it, you’re not actually giving anything up (well, ten minutes of TV, but that’s not really a hardship in the grand scheme of things!).

Of course, you do need to be careful when you’re using screens in the evening, and experts suggest that switching everything (including the TV) off before you intend to go to sleep is the best move to make. You can listen to music or read a book, for example, but staying away from screens just helps your body feel more rested and ensures that your brain sends out the right signals to help you feel tired when you’re meant to and fall gently off to sleep.

Having said that, not everyone likes that idea, and even when they know it’s the right thing to do, they’d still rather keep watching TV or playing games until the last moment - they might even do it in bed too. Now, we can’t tell you what to do (and we wouldn’t want to - it’s not our place), but if you do want to use screens for longer, and if you do want to have them in your bedroom, then why not use blue light filters or blue light glasses to help block out the real problem? The blue light emitted from screens is what confuses the brain so it doesn’t know it’s night and therefore doesn’t release the right chemicals to make you tired. Putting measures in place to block that light should mean you can use your screens for longer, and if that means you can get an extra game of Freecell in before bed, why not?

Play On A Mobile Device

One of the best things about playing Freecell online is that you can play it on a mobile device, whether that’s a phone or a tablet. What’s so wonderful about that? Well, it means you’ve got the opportunity to play Freecell no matter where you are, at any time - as long as you have some kind of mobile device with you, of course.

There will be times during the day when you have an unexpected few minutes that you might not have been able to account for in your schedule. A canceled meeting here, a late train there, and you could be left with nothing to do and anything from minutes to hours to fill. Just take your phone out of your pocket or fire up your tablet, and you’ve instantly got access to the amazing fun - and other benefits - the Freecell can offer. It’s the ideal way to spend any spare time when you might otherwise have been bored or have been tempted to do more work when you’re meant to be on a break, and since you’ll have your mobile device with you anyway (who leaves home without theirs these days?), it’s not even something you’ll have to consciously think about.

You can even use your smartphone to help you find time to play. We’ve been talking about how to fit Freecell into your daily routine, and it can sometimes be the case that even if you have time - which most people do - you’re not using it all that wisely, mainly because you’re not thinking about what you could be doing, and by the time you remember, it’s too late. Setting up reminders and alarms on your phone could be ideal - you’ll be reminded that you have a few minutes to play Freecell, and you can use that self-same mobile device to actually play. If it happens that you’re busy doing something else, you can just reset the alarm for another time and enjoy your gaming later on.


Okay, we know that multitasking has a bad name in the world of business - many people feel it means you can’t focus on anything, so although you might be doing two (or more) things, none of them are being done to the standard or quality that they would be if they were done one at a time, and that does make sense. However, that’s business, and we’re talking about leisure (and pleasure), and in that case, multitasking can work perfectly well - brilliantly, in fact.

What do we mean? The idea is to make time in your day to play Freecell because it’s fun, it keeps your brain active, and it helps you unwind - it’s great, whatever angle you look at it from - but if you’re really busy, adding Freecell to another task can be a fabulous way to ensure it gets included in your day. Take exercise, for example. If you like to work out on a stationary bike or a treadmill, you could play Freecell at the same time. In fact, playing a game like this could help to keep you motivated, and you might even exercise more, especially when you’re focused on Freecell and not thinking about how hard your workout is!

Or how about cooking? Although you’ll be using your hands to make various elements of each dish you cook, there will be times when you have to wait for something to come out of the oven or boil or soak or anything else that’s part and parcel of cooking - having the chance to play Freecell while that’s all happening is ideal, as it will stop you from getting bored, use up your time wisely, and not take any time away from anything else!

Final Thoughts

Freecell is a fun and exciting game that people love, and it has so many benefits that it makes sense to fit it into your daily routine when you can. Hopefully some of the ideas we’ve given you will help you do just that.


DISCLAIMER: The games on this website are using PLAY (fake) money. No payouts will be awarded, there are no "winnings", as all games represented by 247 Games LLC are free to play. Play strictly for fun.